These people are not only insane, they are extremely dangerous. They want to take the minds of our children and fill them with dangerous, evil thoughts. They are mesmerizing them into an army of freaks worshipping a mass murderer. George Bush now has the blood of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children on his hands, and this is to be their God? The people behind this camp should be put away. They are Frakkin' NUTS!
Welcome to the Christian Terrorist version of the same violent religous extremism that is inflaming the Middle East. The same extremism that brought down the World Trade Center. The Jesus Camp lunatics want the same future for these poor unfortunate children that befell the muslim fanatics that martyred themselves and 3000 innocent men, women and children on 9/11. These hateful, murderous christian thugs want to fight a holy war against Islam in the name of Jesus! And they want to use their children to fight their war for them. These people are Frakkin' EVIL!
The fanatical, fundamentalist, born-again Jesus people, and all the other nutbags just like them, are what is wrong with the world today. These are the voices against Science, Reason, and Peace. These are also the followers of George Bush. They want to change our laws, restrict our freedoms, control our lives and they are willing to sacrifice the souls of their own children to achieve these demented goals. They are willing to maim and torture in the blood of Christ. There is no time to waste being politically correct! All reasonable, moderate, intelligent people must stand up against the onslaught of religous bile that is immersing us in senseless bloodshed. We must fight these Jesus FREAKS with every fiber of our being. We must expel them from our schools and political institutions. We cannot vote for any candidateS that do not recognize the complete separation of church and state.
We must stop George Bush and his fanatic host before it is too late!
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