Sunday, December 23, 2007

Madonna Sorry Remix Fcuk ALL politicians

STOP THE KILLING! If we do not take responsiblity, as a nation, for the killing in the world, we are all guilty. Do not vote for any candidate that has voted for funding the war in Iraq. Stop the killing today - IMPEACH GEORGE BUSH!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Hey Skeptics! Don't touch DELETE!
This is Professor Frakinoff and it's time for another edition of Frakkin' Nuts! The one place where TRUTH CAN'T HIDE! Today's topic - POLITICAL BULLSHIT!

What's with these people - do they think we're frakkin' STUPID?

Think about it, they only want one thing from us, that's right, one thing - our VOTE! And to get it the will say any frakkin' thing you can imagine. And since everyone believes different things they are going to try and confine us to voting "blocks" like right wing, left wing, undecided, labor, evangelicals, pro-choice, pro-life, and pro-death! Yea, that’s right, there’s even a voting block for those of us that are for euthanasia. That’s a fancy word for wanting to off yourself when you become a frakkin’ vegetable. God forbid we should be able to make that decision ourselves!

But here’s the thing. We aren’t voting blocks, we’re all individuals, but they can’t deal with that, there’s too many of us, so they got to pigeonhole us so they can lie to us in groups. Here’s how it works! They leave their fancy Washington apartment, get in their limos and travel to a place they don’t intend to set foot in for 4 more years. This would be anywhere there are real people who’ve got that one thing they want. Places like army bases, churches, meat-packing plants, or the American Rifle Association annual gun show. That’s right – They all love guns. That is, until they go to a PETA convention. Then they love animals! And once they get there, they give a speech packed full of bullshit written by someone else. A professional speech writer whose job it is to make something come out of their mouth that will get you to give up the one thing they need – the VOTE!

It’s a lot like sex. You feel all fresh and clean until you do it. Then, after you do it, you’re just another Hoe! You know Aristotle said that all creatures are sad after sex. I always feel like that after I vote. I have to go home and take a shower so I can wash their verbal jism out of my head.

So they go to all these different places saying things they don’t believe, thinking we’re so frakkin’ stupid we won’t connect the dots. They’re going to tell us they believe in gay marriage, but butt-fuckin’s a sin, they’re pro-choice up until about month 3-4 when the fetus stops looking like a tadpole and then life is precious because the mother can vote, they’re for universal health care – so long as it can be administered by the insurance industry. (Like they’ve got our best interest at heart!)

On-and-on. It’s all a pack of lies. Why? Because they need something else to win the election and they need lots of it. MONEY! You see, they don’t need that from you, because they’re going to get your money once they get in office. That’s what taxes are all about. No, they need money for TV ads. This is where really professional liars create media extravaganzas that can entirely blur the separation of fantasy and reality, church and state, truth and falsehood. These guys are so good they make politicians look HONEST, JUST PLAIN FOLK! PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND ME!

Don’t you Frakkin’ believe it! You see, our vote comes with no strings attached. Once you give it up, they’re done with you. They won’t be back for 4 years. But the money they are taking from big business – These guys will be back. When its time for the politicians to do for you all those things they promise like; tax deductions, healthcare, social security, border security, balanced budget, the list goes on and on. But when it comes time for voting big business shows up and calls their markers in and what do we get? Frakkin’ NOTHING! That’s what we get.

The simple truth is you can’t judge a politician by what they say; you have to judge them by what they do. In fact this is the thing that makes them the most nervous. They’re afraid you might actually look at their record, so that’s the first thing they lie about. Here are some examples:

Nut Romney: He thinks you just might be nervous about him belonging to a religious cult of nutbags that wear magic underwear, worship extraterrestrials, think that afro-Americans are devils and proselytize door-to-door. He’s afraid you might think this kind idiotic nonsense might cloud his judgment! And you’d be right too. So what does he do, he goes on TV and tells you that religion will never enter his political decision making process. Yea right – Frakkin idiot!

Hillary Clinton: She wants to give you a balanced budget, social security, universal health care. Makes you feel good doesn’t it. Did she do this while she was in the senate? No, she was busy voting for the Frakkin’ war in Iraq. She voted for the SURGE too! THE WAR IS GOING TO COST YOU, YOUR CHILDREN, AND THEIR CHILDREN, THEIR FRAKKIN’ FUTURES! You can’t vote for anyone who voted for the war! Period!

Rudy Giuliani: He wants you to think he’s for cutting taxes, winning the war in Iraq and most of all JUSTICE! This guy is the self proclaimed mother Teresa of 9/11 victims! He’s the guy that grabbed Bernard Kerik’s arm and cried, “Bernie, thank God George Bush is our President!” Thank Freaking god we’re going bankrupt at the hands of a born again moron! Great thinking Rudy! Good judge of character. This is the guy that put the Office of Emergency Management on the 23rd Floor of the WTC – Duh! But that’s not his real problem, what he’s really concerned about is you might think he’s a crook, so what’s a primary plank in his campaign? JUSTICE? Let’s look at the record: He appointed Russell Harding to head Housing, he plead guilty to fraud and corruption. He appointed Richard Roberts to Health & Hospitals, he plead guilty to perjury for buying a car for Rudy with public funds. He appointed Bernard Kerick as police commissioner; he was linked to organized crime and plead guilty to obstruction of justice. What else, oh, he’s supports marriage for heterosexuals but only domestic partnerships for gays. He also, apparently, believes in adultery, divorce and the misuse of public funds. Yea, you can trust this guy. It’s Frakkin’ Bullshit!

Mike Huckabee: He’s afraid you might think he’s using religion to further his own political gain and that he might continue to do this in office. No! Let’s see, he’s an ordained Southern Baptist minister who worked for TV evangelist James Robinson. Certainly he didn’t learn to use religion to manipulate people for his own personal gain there? Here is a collection of contradictions! He’s pro-life, but he’s also pro-guns, pro-Iraq war, so, apparently, he’s also pro-death! He believes in “biblical inerrancy” That is, the bible is without error! For Christ Frakkin’ sake! This is the 21st century. You want another president like George to carry on this lunatic war against the Muslims! Haven’t we had enough of this religious bullshit yet? Oh, he doesn’t believe in evolution and wants creationism taught in schools instead of science. Forget it! The United States is a secular government! We don’t want it run by religious zealots who want to invade our lives and tell us what to think and do. Nyat!

Well, you get the idea. Its bullshit I tell you. They are full of it. You don’t find out what they are going to do until they get in office. Don’t believe a thing they say. Look at what they’ve done up until today. If you don’t like what they did, you want like what they do tomorrow – guaranteed! We‘ve got real problems in the world folks. We’re going down the tube. We are going bankrupt running an illegal war instead of addressing problems at home for the taxpayers of America. Don’t vote for anyone that supports this illegal war! Don’t vote for anyone in the pocket of big business! Don’t vote for anyone that wants to stuff their religion into your government.

POLITICIANS! Don’t believe them! If they say they’re telling you the truth – They’re lying! If you believe them – You’re FRAKKIN NUTS!

GOP Debate - Evolution Question - Detail - RATE!

POLITICAL TRUTH DENIAL: Republican candidates deny evolution! That would make them scientifically illiterate and unfit to run the country.

Friday, November 30, 2007




These people are not only insane, they are extremely dangerous. They want to take the minds of our children and fill them with dangerous, evil thoughts. They are mesmerizing them into an army of freaks worshipping a mass murderer. George Bush now has the blood of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children on his hands, and this is to be their God? The people behind this camp should be put away. They are Frakkin' NUTS!

Welcome to the Christian Terrorist version of the same violent religous extremism that is inflaming the Middle East. The same extremism that brought down the World Trade Center. The Jesus Camp lunatics want the same future for these poor unfortunate children that befell the muslim fanatics that martyred themselves and 3000 innocent men, women and children on 9/11. These hateful, murderous christian thugs want to fight a holy war against Islam in the name of Jesus! And they want to use their children to fight their war for them. These people are Frakkin' EVIL!

The fanatical, fundamentalist, born-again Jesus people, and all the other nutbags just like them, are what is wrong with the world today. These are the voices against Science, Reason, and Peace. These are also the followers of George Bush. They want to change our laws, restrict our freedoms, control our lives and they are willing to sacrifice the souls of their own children to achieve these demented goals. They are willing to maim and torture in the blood of Christ. There is no time to waste being politically correct! All reasonable, moderate, intelligent people must stand up against the onslaught of religous bile that is immersing us in senseless bloodshed. We must fight these Jesus FREAKS with every fiber of our being. We must expel them from our schools and political institutions. We cannot vote for any candidateS that do not recognize the complete separation of church and state.

We must stop George Bush and his fanatic host before it is too late!



Tuesday, November 20, 2007


People are FRAKKIN’ crazy!

Take George Bush.

This guy is PRESIDENT of the FREE WORLD and he can’t put two words together without stammering. He has his finger on the GOD DAMN BUTTON and he can’t even say “nuclear!” It’s Frakkin’ NUTS!

He approves the national budget, or should I say the national DEFICIT, and he doesn’t have the scientific literacy of a 10 year old! He doesn’t believe in global warming even though the poles are melting, the seas are rising and hurricanes are tearing the world apart. It’s Frakkin’ NUTS!

He doesn’t believe in Evolution! I'm not kidding you! Let me repeat, only louder this time. HE DOESN’T BELIEVE IN EVOLUTION! How the Frak can you be PRESIDENT of the FREE WORLD and not accept that humans are animals? Hey George, what about the human genome project the government funded? You know the one that says all creatures on earth have the same chromosomal structure? Just a coincidence? Do you pay any attention to this shit you Frakkin’ nutcase?

I know, God told him the earth was only 4000 years old. Jesus! Egypt is older than that! What about fossils, carbon dating and plate tectonics! All that science crap is not for him. George is convinced the world was made by an Intelligent Designer. That’s right, he has publicly stated that I.D. should be taught in science class. It’s Frakkin’ NUTS! But listen to this. A Federal judge in Dover, PA just ruled that Intelligent Design isn’t science, it’s nonsense! And guess who appointed this judge? You got it – Frak head!

On a side note, what the Frak is Intelligent Design anyway? What intelligent designer would have created George Bush? If man is an Intelligent Design, I’m Frakkin’ Albert Einstein! I’ll give you an example of Intelligent Design – the toilet, that’s Intelligent Design! Let me ask you this? If George Bush is an example of intelligent design why does he have to poop every day? You know he poops, he’s full of shit. Is that Intelligent Design! I’ll tell you what it is - It’s Frakkin’ NUTS!

And what about IRAQ? What a Frakkin’ mess. I mean this guy invents bullshit. Lies to congress. (How hard can that be?) And then invades Iraq just because his Daddy couldn’t do it. I’m not shittin’ you. That’s why he did it. He frakked it all up too!

Here, let me give you the short form of this story:

Using 9/11 as justification for a War on Terror against the AXIS OF EVIL, George invades Iraq claiming they have WMD’s they might give to terrorists. (Of course, he knows the Iraqis don’t have WMD’s, because the Frakkin’ inspectors didn’t find any!) Then, after he invades Iraq and the world discovers they don’t have WMD’s, he beheads their president anyway. (I guess that was one for the gipper.)

We’re not done yet. Next, he ousts the minority religious sect that was in power, disbands their military, and holds a free election that puts the majority religious sect in power. This is the same Frakkin’ sect of Muslim religious lunatics that rule Iran, another corner of the AXIS OF EVIL!

Wait! Wait! It doesn’t stop! These actions unleash a civil war that attracts terrorists from all over the world who just can’t wait to strap bombs around their guts so they can blow themselves up because they Frakkin’ hate Bush's Neocon politics!

Thanks George, you Frakkin’ moron! The war has cost more American lives than were lost in 9/11. Who knows how many Iraqis are dead; somewhere between 600,000 and 1,000,000 at last count. (Let me see, that would be genocide at the hands of the PRESIDENT of the FREE WORLD! Welcome to America!)

All this at a cost of somewhere between 1 – 2 TRILLION dollars! ($2,000,000,000,000) That’s enough money to buy 40 million Porsches!

But we Americans won’t be buying them, because we’re broke. Oh, and guess who we’re borrowing the money from? The Frakkin’ Arabs! That’s right, because the price of OIL doubled! You couldn’t make this shit up if you wanted to! We’ve been BUSHWACKED!

Who are the MORONS now? Get off of your asses!